Jacob Houston
Jacob is pure white with a thick, beautiful. coat. He is a young stud of 2 years, and he throws beautiful pups. His personality is slightly mischievous, and he loves to play with my German Shepherd, Samson. Jacob is a sweet and cuddly Bichon and who is very friendly. He is amazing with the puppies, and when the pups are about 4 weeks old he starts to playing with them. He is very gentle and he is a great dad. Jacob comes from a champion pedigree, if you would like to know more about the pedigree please contact me.
Jordan Anthony
Jordon is one of Jacob and Grace's puppies. He was such an amazing puppy I kept him for myself to use as a stud dog. He is not as mischievous as Jacob, he has a very sweet disposition and is very gentle and tender-hearted. Jordan is solid white, and has Jacob's beautiful, thick coat. Jordan is the biggest bichon I own at about 14 pounds. He has not yet sired a litter of puppies, but when he is old enough he will produce some adorable puppies.